Pit & Lagoon Cleaning


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We have many years of experience in the creation and implementation of best practice solutions for the cleaning of pits and lagoons.

Three steps to pit & lagoon cleaning:

1. Remotely extract and remove sludge from the base of pit or lagoon. Sludge can be removed while the lagoon or pit is still in use.
2. Process the removed sludge to recover the oil.
3. Reduce the quantity of solids for the final disposal.

Sludge Extraction | Each project requires specific equipment such as pumps, underwater robots (Hydrodredger), floating barges or excavators.

Sludge Treatment | Extracted sludge is processed through screening equipment and centrifuges or filter press equipment. The equipment separates and maximizes oil recovery and minimizes sludge disposal.

Final Disposal Management

  • Secondary treatment of solids
  • Fuel blending
  • Incineration


  • Suitable for all types of pits, separators, interceptor bays and lagoons.
  • Carried out remotely.
  • No need to take the pit or lagoon out of service.

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  • Hydrodreger | The Hydrodreger allows for the extraction of sludge while the lagoon or pit is kept in service. It is a hydraulically powered, remotely operated, submersible robot fitted with a pump. Different combinations are possible depending on the task. 
  • Floating Barges |  Floating Barges are used to facilitate the extraction of sludge from the bottom of pits and lagoons with clay or impervious liners. The floating barges are managed through steel wires  and powered through hydraulic motors. The units have pumps and suction devices that can be regulated in height.  Floating barges can be used whilst the lagoon or pit is still in operation.
  • Dredge | Dredging industrial lagoons and municipal holding ponds takes special consideration. Dredging these industrial lagoons can include handling contaminated material in sensitive areas. Frequently, industrial lagoons require dredging because the holding ponds have reached or exceeded original design capacity. Tradebe understands the high-pressure situations involved in industrial production schedules and regulatory issues. Our dredging crews work closely with our clients to coordinate the most efficient dredging and dewatering methods based on the industrial lagoon capacity and the specific needs of the client. Tradebe works closely with local, state or federal officials throughout the dredging process.  Our dredging division has over 15 years of dredging experience on all types of ponds and lagoons.
  • Hydrodozer  | The Hydrodozer is a mechanical sludge removal equipment that is made in various sizes depending on the application. It is designed in component form to be able to go through an 18” manway. The tracks can be used to agitate the sludge and a large blade will feed the pump section. The remote controlled Hydrodozer can also be operated as a suction dredger to remove sludge from pits, lagoons and API separators online, whilst the systems are still in service. Service offered in Spain. 


Oily Sludge Treatment

Tradebe Refinery Services has a range of equipment for maximizing oil recovery, which includes the High Solids Pre-Treatment Unit, Two and Three Phase Decanter Centrifuges and Filter Presses.

We offer this service in: